Wednesdays would be considered the abnormal one, in contrast to the normal weekday.  First of all, I always go to bed really late on Tuesday nights.  I may be checking up the internet, updating my homepage, writing in my journal, reading manga, etc...  Quite often I sleep at 3 or 4 o'clock.  However, I usually wake up around 8:15 on Wednesday morning and then have class at 8:30.  On a normal non-Wednesday day, I usually wake up around 8:45 or so.

The explanation?  I don't have Putonghua class that day, but a computer class.  This computer class has no relationship to my major, and I'm just taking it for fun.  However, I forgot to change the class from graded to pass/fail, meaning that the grade will be calculated into my GPA!  That also means I can't be too lazy.  Anyway, the class deals with C++ and is an introductory course.  I know PASCAL, learning it in high school for two years, so I don't have too hard of a time in this class.  And also, I usually never look at my notes nor open my textbook.

Anyway, I wake up and then take the 8:30 bus to the main campus.  I walk to the engineering building, still very tired.  I arrive in class late...but that is as usual.  The time is usually around 8:40.  The teacher will have just finished talking about various things and then start the actual lecture.

This class used to be conducted in English, or at least the beginning of the semester.  The reason was because there are several exchange students.  However, when they aren't there, the teacher lectures in a mix of Cantonese and English technical terms.  Also, there is also some sort of strange mystery guy in the class who complains a lot.  The mysterious guy wrote an message criticizing the T.A. for what he thought was a poor lecture, and posted it next to Franklin Canteen.  The same guy also complained about the exchange students making the English spoken lecture hard for the local students to understand.

I actually had no problems with the lectures as I understood Cantonese.  But actually, I didn't exactly needed to understand it.  I usually come to class, and half heartedly listen to the lecture as I was either studying my Chinese characters for an upcoming dictation or doing my Putonghau homework.  I then would get too tired and then go to sleep for about an hour, on my table.  I wake up after the break, which is at 9:15.  I get some water outside and then come back into the room for the lecture.  I then fall asleep again.  Sometime later, I wake up and then listen to the remaining the lecture.  The professor leaves and after the second break at 10:15 to 10:30, the T.A. comes and goes over things.  I fall asleep for the third time!!!  Well, I wake up to get my program and then finally exit this engineering building.

What happens next isn't set.  Sometimes I go to Pi Chiu to use the computers.  Sometimes I go to a canteen to have lunch.  Sometimes I go to ILC to watch movies.  Sometimes I go out of the university with my friends.  At around 5:00, I go to United College for my Calligraphy course.  Some of the people in the class are Toshihiro, Angela, Nga, Ayumi (large), Kiyoko, Udachi, Jamie and Sanhao.  During this time I practice copying some characters from some copies provided by the teacher.  It is quite fun.  Many of the Japanese students do it quite well because they have learned it before, but only they have learned to do it Japanese style, which is quite different.  Everyone just chats a little bit in class while practicing.  At around 6:50, everyone stops writing and starts cleaning up.  We all take the dishes and brushes to the bathroom and clean them.

At night, I usually would organize some sort of dinner at my room, especially in the second semester since time was running out.  I would tell some people about it and then ask them to come, sometimes through ICQ if they are online.  Unfortunately my roommate never is present this day because he goes home every Wednesday.  The reason why Wednesday is because on Monday and Thursday I have kungfu practice at night, on Tuesday I have English tutoring at Shatin, and on Friday night and weekends there usually is something else going on.  We would use the kitchen on my hostel floor.  Toshi would normally be the "main" cook, and then other people would just help out.  Toshi has quite a lot of experience cooking.  He makes nikujaga, misokatsu, eggplant with miso, and curry.  Sometimes Shinichi was the "main" cook.  He had made rolled cabbage before.  Another reason for setting this little party was that I really want to learn how to cook Japanese food.  However, what actually happens is that I would realize that we don't have enough supplies, such as a large pot, sugar, etc...  I then would just run around my own hostel asking people to borrow supplies.  By then, the majority of all the work would be done, and I have missed most of it!  We would take all the food into my room and we would all eat there.  Also, I would take some food to share it with the people whom I borrowed supplies from.  After eating, we chat a bit then wash up the dishes.  This whole get-together usually takes about 3 to 4 hours!  After everyone leaves, I return to my Putonghua studies...